The guidelines outlined in this document must be read in conjunction with our social media and GDPR policy.
By signing this document, you also agree that you have read and explained the guidance, including the Student Expectation document with your child.
Before starting any livestream, you must remind your child to:
• not to share private information
• not to respond to contact requests from people they don’t know
• Know who they should tell if they see or hear anything upsetting or inappropriate.
• Understand that the lessons taking place are normal teaching practice and the online interactive sessions should be considered a ‘classroom’.
Online classes via “Google Meet” & “Google Classroon” platforms
Guidelines for parents/carers and students for using the platforms:
Parents/carers must give prior consent to their child taking part in MTO Persian School lessons delivered through the Google Meet & Google Classroom Education Platforms, and agree to the following code of conduct:
• Parents/carers should ensure the email and password provided by MTO Persian School for their child is correctly entered in the “Google Meet” & “Google Classroom” before starting the session
• Parents/carers should be nearby when the lesson takes place but are not expected to directly take part in the lesson.
• Parent/carer should announce his/ her presence to the tutor at the start of the lesson.
• If a parent/carer is not present at the start of the lesson then the lesson will be terminated by the tutor. The pupil may then rejoin once an adult is present.
• Other children/ siblings are not allowed to be present during lessons.
• Students should receive lessons in a shared family space and not in a student’s bedroom, unless there is no alternative.
• Parents/carers should maintain an ‘open door’ policy during lessons.
• Students should be dressed appropriately for a lesson, wearing clothes suitable for being seen in public.
• Parents/carers must also adhere to the expectations of dress code and setting.
• Language must always be professional and appropriate during lessons, including any family members that may pass in the background.
• Parents/carers and students should stop lessons by leaving the “Google Meet” or “Google Classroom”, if they feel the tutor is not meeting expectations and report this to MTO Persian School.
Live Online Group Sessions
In order to participate in online live group sessions, MTO Persian School has specific requirements:
Parents/carers and students are reminded that for the duration of the session the space in your home where the session takes places is public and will be visible via your camera to the rest of the students in that group and MTO Persian School staff.
Please ensure your child:
• Keeps their microphone muted when asked to.
• Does not privately message other participating students during a session (for example via text message or social media).
• Keeps their video camera switched on throughout the session.
• Has their name correctly entered in the “Google Meet” & “Google Classroom” profile before joining the session.
• Does not share his/ her MTO Persian School email address and password via the internet.
Please note: Expectations of student behaviour are the same as those for a school lesson. MTO Persian School staff are authorised to remove any student from a session who is not meeting acceptable behaviour standards. MTO Persian School reserves the right to exclude students from online activities in the event of unacceptable behaviour.
There are additional responsibilities and considerations as laid out below:
– Any lesson must take place using the Google Meet and Google Classroom platforms.
– MTO Persian School accounts are only to be used for lessons arranged by MTO Persian School.
– Advanced security procedures have been implemented within our set up to ensure the learning environment is safe and secure. These include:
• A unique email address for teacher’s “Google Meet” & “Google Classroom’s” room
• File sharing via the video conference is disabled
• Teacher controls who can enter from the “Google Meet” & “Google Classroom” via link he/she will send you.
• Teacher can remove anybody from the lesson at any time.
All lessons will be accessible for MTO Persian School managers to ‘drop in’ and oversee at any time for the purposes of quality assurance and safeguarding.
As per our standard safeguarding policy a member of management staff will be on call at all times when teaching is taking place to report any urgent safeguarding concerns.
All tutors taking part in the programme will take part in specific MTO Persian School training. This will cover safeguarding procedures, use of the software and appropriate teaching methods.
Training should be renewed every year and will be logged centrally with other safeguarding training.
Final Notes to Parents/carer
Online MTO Persian School aims to maintain high standards of education and to provide a safe and professional learning environment.
Your co-operation in taking an active part in your child’s education, especially in supporting us and encouraging home learning is crucial to ensure that your child finds the learning enjoyable and achieve their personal learning targets.
1. Please read through and reinforce with your child the MTO Persian School Code of Conduct.
2. Please make sure your child completes all homework given in the “Google Classroom” platform.
3. Please encourage your child to read/speak in Farsi.
4. Please make sure your child is on time and achieves 100% attendance wherever possible. Absence must be reported to the school administrator/class teacher by email or text massage to school’s mobile phone.
5. Please encourage your child to participate in the school’s online cultural activities.
6. You are encouraged to communicate with class teachers regularly via email, to find out your child’s progress and discuss any issues relevant to teaching.
Concerns & Complaints
If you have any concerns and suggestions on the operation of the school, if you are not happy with any aspect of Online MTO Persian School’s service please tell us.
You can speak to the members of the School Management Committee by phoning the school’s numbers, or email the school at info@mtopersianschool.org .
Often, we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated, we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.
Making a written complaint:
If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to the Headteacher Mr Rahbari at info@mtopersianschool.org.
All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within three working days. The aim is to investigate your complaint properly and give you a reply within ten working days setting out how the problem will be dealt with.
If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date or being considered. The Headteacher will also report the matter to the next meeting of the management committee and trustees which will decide on any further steps to resolve the situation.
By signing this form you consent for your child to be taught online using both cameras and microphone using the “Google Meet & Google Classroom” platforms. You consent to your child being taught in accordance with the protocol outlined above and that your child maybe recorded for safety/quality assurance purposes in line with the GDPR regulations.